The Pharma 360

Training & Development

In Bangladesh the pharmaceutical sector is one of the most developed hi-tech sectors which contributing in the country’s economy. With a history since 1950’s, the industry has now turned one of the most successful pharmaceuticals manufacturing industry among the developing countries

The objective of business owners is profitability. The success of any organization depends on the employees’ performance; poor performance is detrimental to the company’s success. So, employee performance plays an integral role in achieving the business goals.

At present, the employee turnover more importantly of Sales people is the main barrier for the development of Company.

We Provide Training for newly recruited Medical Promotion Officer and Refreshers Training as well.
This can be done by two ways:
a) In our own training venue, company will provide us their selected candidates to train them.
b) In the company premises, trainer will go there and train them as per requirement of the company.
c) 2/3 days (or as per requirement of company) training of Existing poor performer Medical Promotion Officer (MPO) with a view to improving their performance.
d) 2/3 days (or as per requirement of company) training of Existing poor performer Area Manager (AM) with a view to improving their performance.

We offer these training with reasonable costs so that entrepreneur can afford to make their people highly productive. If the feedback is not satisfactory from the Participant’s point of view; then no charge is applicable.

Training Module for Medical Representatives/Area Managers

1. Setting Objectives for Ourselves in Pharmaceutical Sales Profession (Oath)

1. Leadership Development

  • What is Leadership?
  • Qualities of a successful leader
  • Difference between a Manager and a Leader?
  • Different Leadership styles
  • Assessment of the trainee (Area Manager) as a Leader by SWOT analysis.
  • Steps to Improve Performance

2. Selling Skill

  • An ideal call/ 8 tips for better call output
  • Setting SMART objective
  • Scope of FAB analysis in sales
  • Team work
  • Friday /migratory doctors coverage

3. Motivational training with Developing Personal Effectiveness

  • Proactive & Reactive works
  • Time Management
  • Developing personal Vision & Mission
  • Setting a Goal Using “DAPPS” and “SMART” objective
  • Tips for Motivating Employees

4. Do’s & Don’ts of Medical Representatives

5. Troubleshooting of Salesmanship

Prize giving Ceremony:

Participants holding 1st & 2nd position will receive Prize as a part of their motivation.


Summary of the training and taking commitment for implementing this knowledge in the field for the betterment of their own career and the company.

Training Method:

  • Power point presentation
  • Visual demonstration
  • Video clips
  • Practical & more reality based examples“DAPPS” and “SMART” objective
  • Time to time workshop on selected topic

N.B. Module can be revised as per the requirement of the company