MD. AL-Amin


“Bismillah Hir Rahmanir Rahim” Any company’s reputation depends on its QUALITY products & services with the highest professional approach in a constant manner. In Bangladesh the pharmaceutical industry is one of the most developed hi-tech sectors which contributing in the country’s economy. With a history since 1950s, the industry has now turned one of the most successful pharmaceuticals manufacturing industry among the developing countries. Years of experience in this industry taught me that it is an ever growing and ever changing world with endless opportunities for those who are dedicated and focused.The Pharma 360 is highly dedicated to ensure quality products and services for the health care sector and pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh with 360 approach. Since 2013, we have been providing various services including training & development, medical publication, pharmaceutical head hunting, strategic & consultancy etc. to the health care sector in Bangladesh. Alhamdulillah, our endeavor of launching this website is to keep you abreast with our products & services to meet your expectations. I take this opportunity to thank you, who are right now visiting this page and all the satisfied customers throughout the globe. We highly appreciate your valuable support for our endeavors.

Our Books

Pharmaceutical & Medical publications

Our Clients

What Our Client Say

M Hasan Murtaz
Executive Director, Sales and Admin
Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Innovation distinguishes between a Leader and a Follower. The concept of The Pharma 360 is based on Innovation. The Pharma 360 are doing better and adding values to the Bangladesh Pharma industry. They have already created their customers’ loyalty through their quality products and services.